Poverty 8 Conclusion and references for meditation
The vow of poverty is about depending on everything from the community and the superior.
It is also a sharing in the life of the poor in order to promote them.
Finally is to provoke the society towards a more evangelical life.
The spirituality of poverty is that we should depend in everything from God alone and not on material things.
To follow the vow will make us good Christians and religious, but it is only the spirituality which can make us saints.
Passages for meditation
-) The Providence of God Mt 6, 19-34
-) God Has chosen the poor: Lk 6, 20-26; Lk 4, 16-21
-) God will vindicate the poor: Am 2, 6-8; Lk 1, 51-53
-) Jesus tells us to take care of the poor: Mt 25, 31-46
-) Jesus and the use of money: Jn 6,5-7; 12,1-8; 13,27-30
-) The beatitudes (especially Lk)
-) Poverty as lifestyle and for human promotion: Is 61,1-3 Am 8,4-14 At 6,1-7 Mt 5,3-11
-) God uses the poor as his instruments: 2 Cor 4,7-12; 2 Cor 12, 6-9; 1 Cor 1, 17-31
Vita Consecrata 21; 87; 89; 90
For Personal work
Am I satisfied with my situation here and with the community?
Am I satisfied with the situation of my family, my village etc.?
What do I find negative in them (personal, community and family)?
What are the things which I value most in life?
Ho do I consider the people who come to beg at our home or those who live in the slums?
In what can I consider myself better than them?
What are the things which I find very difficult to give up or stay without?
What are the things that make me feel comfortable?
How do I use my free time?
How do I use the things entrusted to me, or which I buy (food, toiletries, stationeries, vehicles, instruments)?
What is the difference in all these things in my life from 3 years ago, last year and now?