What is greatest love? Homily at Mass

Manila retreat 9

Manila Retreat 9

Mass: There is no greater love than the one who lays down his life for his friends. (Jn 15:12-17)
This seems to be a contradiction with what we said about Chastity, about pure love, about looking for the lost ones, about loving the enemies: “If you love those who love you which merit do you deserve? Even the pagans do so. But I say to you: love your enemies” (Mt 5: 44-47). So is the greatest love the one for the friends or the one for the enemies?
I want to pose another tricky question: can we really love our enemies? Understand me well, I do not want to go against the commandment of the Lord. The question is: who is an enemy? An enemy is somebody I fight against. If I fight I do not love, but if I love him he is no more enemy. Here is the key for understanding Jesus sentence and also for being prophets in our way of loving: make your enemies your friends. Jesus had no enemies, except the devil, which he scolds badly, all the others he forgave, redeemed, died for. We are all his friends, part of family, and for all of us he gave his life. If he would have died for us without loving us, his sacrifice would have been useless. Sometimes people make me laugh when they come for confession and they say I try to forgive that particular person but I cannot forget what he did to me. I always answer, thanks God you cannot forget otherwise you could not forgive. To forget is a selfish act, you want to obliterate a person from your life, your memory, how can you then love him? For-get is selfish, for-give is real love. You need to remember what happened and purify it with the blood of Christ, surrender it to him on the cross and say to Jesus, if this makes me suffer, then I want to suffer on the cross with you, so Lord I forgive him as you forgave those who crucified you.
We have been speaking about the vow of chastity as a way to purify our love: let us ask ourselves: Can I really love everybody or is there somebody whom I try to avoid, somebody who make me feel sad whenever I think of them? Whatever happened in our life, no matter how bad or painful it had been, carries along with it some graces from the Lord. Trials, persecutions, can teach us a lot, but only when we review those moments with love we will be able to get the fruits of those graces. If we look at those moments with grudge, sense of revenge, we just deepen our wound and increase the pain.

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