The Our Father: a prayer or a way how to pray?
XVII sunday year C Lk 11:1-13
We all know the prayer of the Our Father, we say it every day maybe a
few times a day.
Surely you have noticed that the words of this prayer as they are in
today’s Gospel are different from those we are used to say. Why
does Luke report words different from those of Matthew?
For a very simple reason: Jesus did not want to teach a prayer but
how to pray.
For Him the important thing was not that his disciples would learn
words to repeat when they pray but that they would learn how to put
their heart and mind in what they were saying.
It is interesting to notice the beginning of the Gospel. It says:
“Jesus was praying in a certain place and when he had finished the
disciples approached him and asked: Lord teach us how to pray”.
This fact tells us something important. Those disciples have been
following Jesus for quite a time now, surely for more than one year.
Jesus had taught them many things but not how to pray. Of course like
all the good Jews they were praying 5 times a day using psalms and
other parts of the Torah like the prayer of the “Shemà Israel”.
Jesus didn’t want to add an extra thing to be done, an extra
obbligation. For Him prayer was an inner deep need to be in contact
with His Father and the same had to become for his disciples.
The best way to teach that was through His example. No matter how
long it would take for them to feel the same need, the moment they
would reach that level he would teach them and that would remain
their style.
Now they have reached that point. Now they feel that need and Jesus
can teach them: “When you pray remember these points”:
1) God is not someone distant, he is very close to you, He is your
2) Recognize who God is, His greatness and so praise Him (Hallowed be
your name)
3) Express your desire to be with Him (Your kingdom come)
4) Recognize that everything comes from Him and belongs to Him (Give
us our daily bread)
5) Recognize your weaknesses, your shortcomings, which make you
unworthy of being at his presence (Forgive us our sins)
6) Commit yourself to follow His teaching and His example (as we
7) Acknowledge that we will succeed in life only if he is with us (Do
not bring us to the test)
These are the elements of prayer, now it is up to you to put them
into words, but expecially to put in them your heart, your life, your
We pray the Our Father every day, we pray the Our Father and other
prayers. Do we pray or do we say words? Are we aware whom we are
talking to? Are we aware of the importance He has for us and how
important is that we live with Him at His presence? Are we really
sure that everything we have is His gift, and are we grateful to Him?
It is not important what we ask for; He knows already what we are in
need of even before we open our mouth. What is important, instead, is
the fact that we approach Him with faith and with love. Surely He
will give us what we need: maybe not what we ask for but surely He
will give what we are in need of, because he is our Father.