Apostolate 2: Don Orione

Apostolate in Don Orione

See the two passages in Restless apostle pag. 121, 132.

In our founder apostolate is not the goal of life but the result of his union with God.

Don Orione was so much united with God that he was feeling the same thirst for souls, desiring that not a single one would be lost.

Christ offered himself fully to save humanity. Don Orione felt the need to be one with Christ in this work so all could be saved.

As a consequence the more a person is away from God, the more he is in need of love and so he is the privileged target of the apostolate.

To say “the least, the most abandoned”, means not only the most sick or the poorest but also and especially the most sinner, those who refuse us and fight against us. We should love them most.

If apostolate is union with Christ, then the way of doing apostolate, is to climb Calvary and the cross, so apostolate is not matter of success, not to have the most prestigious, modern schools or hospitals, but those structures which can reach as many people as possible.

In one famous sentence Don Orione says that we must be “at the head of times”, that our poor deserve the best. It was not matter of pride for his institutions, but simply the desire to give the best to those who belong to Christ, and to give to the institutions, the capacity to help as many as possible. “For them the best, for us the most simple and economical”.

Don Orione wanted to go to the gate of hell in order to stop people from getting in there; we should be able to go to the most difficult dangerous places, if necessary, to save the people there.

One thing that strikes everybody is Don Orione’s optimism. He always spoke of hope, of Christ winning, of the Providence conducting our life. Don Orione was never sad or depressed but always happy and smiling because the future belongs to Christ.

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