Community life 8: Conclusions
Community life: CONCLUSION Family is not a place where everything goes well. We usually encounter problems, misunderstanding, and often there are people who are not mature, who do not know how to deal with love. We have a clear example of it in the parable of the good father and the two sons: Lk 15,11-32 commonly called the Prodigal son. Both sons are very important and the real centre of the story is the comparison of the way of acting of the two sons in front of the love of the father. It strikes me the full freedom given by the father to the youngest, in spite of him knowing what he was going to do and how wrong that was. The son goes and loses sight of the father and of his house. The result can be only ruining the inheritance looking for a replacement of the lost joy. The family is where he belongs and cannot be replaced by anything, richness, feasting etc. He may not have the courage to admit it but he feels empty inside. Away from the family he will always be an...