Formation in the missions
Guidelines for formation of candidates of the Delegation I was asked by Fr. Malcolm to share with you some reflections on formation, ideas which do not come much from books but rather from what I experienced during last 12 years. I will start from the word “education”. As you all know well this word comes from the Latin “e-ducere”, to take out from. This is an important concept because it tells us that our work is not to put something in the heads of our students but to make them discover something that is already there and is there because God has planted it in them. Another word similar to education is formation . We tend sometimes to confuse it with “information”. Our task is not to give notions, instructions but to give a shape to a matter which is already there, which God has made. We are the instruments which God has chosen to make the work he wants, for which he has already prepared all the necessary material. As a consequence of this idea we have that: - each ...